Monday 5 January 2015

We are into 2015 and in the next couple of months we will be:
• re-learning routines
• focusing on friendship and healthy relationships
• continuing our reading groups
In the subject areas, the breakdown is as follows:

We are working on multiplication skills, and division/multiplication families. There will be regular problem-solving activities and integrated activities involving geometry, measurement, and application of skills. We are making journals.

Social Studies
We will be studying First Nations and Canada. We will also continue to explore mapping and community.

We will be studying Earth sciences and continuing into Life sciences including eco systems and the biosphere. We will be doing hands on experiments involving elements and physical change.

We are learning about sentence structure and paragraphs. We are working on printing and cursive writing. We journal regularly and explore forms of poetry.

We are learning and developing strategies to increase fluency and appreciation of text.

We are learning basketball skills this term. We will also be playing hockey, building fitness, and playing cooperative games.

This blog is intended to inform and keep families up to date with what is happening in class and at school. Please also check the regular school newsletter. Mr. MacQueen (Lindsay)
can be reached at school or email,